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We regularly organize conferences and workshops analyzing topical political and social issues. Our participants include local and international experts, analysts, and practicing politicians.

We also provide forums, through roundtable discussions and public debates, helping to gather information and analyze the most important and controversial domestic and regional issues.

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Roundtable discussion

A Constitution Between Two Constitutions: A Constitutional Proposal Based on the Rotation of Power between Communities and Equality Between Citizens


Developing the Petroleum Sector in Lebanon


Development Debates on Poverty in the Arab Region


Effects of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Lebanon: The Challenges of Providing Services and Creating Jobs


Enhancing the Accountability & Transparency in the National Budget


Experts Policy Recommendations for the Improvement of Economic and Social Welfare


Failed States in the Arab World? Lebanon, Iraq, Morocco and Yemen


Financial and Economic Aspects of the Draft Model Agreement for the Exploration and Production of Petroleum Resources


Governance and Transparency in the Oil and Gas Sector


Governance Report Launch


Impact of Regional Developments on Lebanon’s Political Stability


Launching a Transitional Justice Program in Lebanon: Identifying the Opportunities for Action


Launching a Transitional Justice Program in Lebanon: Identifying the Opportunities for Action


Launching a Transitional Justice Program in Lebanon: Identifying the Opportunities for Action


Local Economic Development and the Role of Municipalities in Public Private Partnerships


Protecting the Environment: Good Governance and Monitoring in the Oil and Gas Sector


The Arab Uprising: Domestic Consequences and International Reactions


The Arab Uprisings and their Political and Economic Implications on Lebanon


The Challenges of Managing the Influx of Syrian Refugees


The Impact of the Syrian Conflict on the Lebanese Economy


The Map of Values in Lebanon


The Regional Implications of the Syrian Conflict: Challenges to the State Order in the Levant?


A Prospective Working Agenda for Judicial Reform in the Mena Region


Accord Project on Peacebuilding in Lebanon


Administration and Electoral Systems


Administrative Costs of Elections


Administrative Reform in Lebanon: Approaches to the Challenge of Change


Arab States Local Governance Forum


Arab Youth Political Engagement: Crisis and Transformation


Between Political and Cultural Pluralism: The Evolution of National Cohesion and Concepts of Citizenship in Lebanon & Iraq


Citizenship Issues in Lebanon: Dimensions and Current Challenges


Civic Education in the Arab World: Common Perspectives, Problems and Potential Cooperation


Constitutions and Constitutionalism in Arab Political Life


Dealing with the Past in Lebanon: Various Approaches to Transitional Justice


Decentralization, Democratization and Service Delivery in the Arab World


Does Development Provide the Basis for Public Action in the Arab World?


Empowering Local Government Institutions in the MENA Region


Empowering Local Government Institutions in the MENA Region Fourth Mediterranean Development Forum (MDF4)


Foresight for Conflict Prevention in the Middle East


Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Governance


Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Governance


Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Governance


Globalization and Social Policies in the Arab World


Globalization and Societal Change in the Mediterranean Region




Governance and Society in Iran and Syria: Challenges and Prospects in Regional Perspective


Governance Knowledge Sharing Program (GKSP): Policy Initiatives and Reforms in the MENA Region


Governing the Oil & Gas Sector


Industrial Sector Workshop


Iraq and the Region after The War: Issues of Economic and Social Reconstruction


LCPS and NRGI: Building the Capacities of Arab CSOs to Advocate for Good Governance in the Oil and Gas Sector


Lebanese Attach Strong Importance to Holding Elections


Lebanese Legislative Elections of Summer 2000


Lebanese Water and Regional Peace


Lebanon and the Challenges of Globalization


Lebanon’s Economic Challenges: Political Instability and Job Creation


Legal Professions and Judicial Reform in the Arab Region


Legal Professions and Judicial Reform in the Arab Region


Legal Professions and Judicial Reforms in the Arab Region


Legislative Elections and Clientelism in Lebanon


Lessons of Peacemaking from Lebanon: The Accord Lebanon Project


MENA Natural Resource Governance


Municipal Development in Lebanon (MRC)


National Statistics and Development in Lebanon


Parliamentary Reforms: The Importance of Parliamentary Research and Information Services


Political Parties in the Arab World: Current Challenges and Areas for Reform


Privatization and State Regulation: The Telecommunication Sector


Reforming the Security Sector in the Arab Countries


Regional Economic Integration in the Arab Countries


Regional Social Protection in an Insecure Era: A South-South Exchange on Alternative Social Policies Responses to Globalization


Security Sector Reform in the Arab World


Social Market Economy: An Economic Model for Lebanon?


Supporting Long-Term Planning Capacity for Conflict Prevention in the Middle East


The 1998 Municipal and Mayoral Elections in Lebanon


The 2005 Legislative Elections in Lebanon: In Light of Local and Regional Transformations


The Application of Survey Research to Governance Issues in the Middle East and North Africa Region


The Book Industry in Lebanon


The Byblos Autumn School 2003 Ethno-Religious Conflict and Modes of its Regulation


The Byblos Middle East Autumn School - Peace and Conflict Research: The State of the Art


The Citizen and Civic Education in Lebanon


The Cultural Industries and Cultural Policies in Lebanon


The Developmental State Model and the Challenges to Lebanon


The Digital Initiative for Development (DID) Agency


The Distributional Impact of Taxes in Lebanon: Analysis and Policy Implications The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)


The Economic and Social Impact of Mobile Source Pollution


The Fiscal Decentralization in the Arab World


The Foresight for Conflict Prevention in the Middle East Beirut Expert Meeting


The Lebanese Parliament: 1992-1996


The New Media and Socio-Political Change in the Arab World


The Role of Civil Society and Media in Influencing Policy Making


Towards an Equitable and Efficient Budget


Transparency and Accountability in the Provision of Public Services


Which Socio-Economic Program for Lebanon?


Arab Parliamentary Development


Class Differences in Lebanon


Clientelism as the Link between Voters and Political Parties


Decentralization for Development


Deepening the Dialogue for Better Governance in the Middle East and North Africa Region


Emerging Leaders for Democracy Conference Series


Fiscal Adjustment to the Euro-Med Challenge


Gas in the Levant Basin: Another Source of Regional Conflict?


God's rule and Cesar's rule: Exploring the Space between Theocracy and Secularism


How Are Resource-Dependent MENA Countries Coping with Low Oil Prices? Governance, Macroeconomics, and Diversification


How can Civil Society Monitor Lebanon's Petroleum?


Judges in Lebanon: Prospects and Challenges


Judicial Ethics: Basic Rules and Codification


Launch of the Lebanon Economic Monitor


Lebanon and EURO-Mediterranean Partnership


Lebanon and Europe: Forging New Partnerships


Lebanon and the Middle East Peace Process


Linking Economic Growth and Social Development in Lebanon


Local Government and Municipal Reform in Lebanon


National Dialogue on Agenda 1996-2000


Neutrality of Switzerland and Austria and their Applicability to Lebanon?


Occupational Safety In Lebanese Industry


People Centered Approach to Security Sector Reform


Political and Economic Impacts of Lower Oil Prices on the Middle East


Positive Peace for Lebanon: Launch of the Accord Publication on Peacebuilding in Lebanon


Putting the Industrial Sector Back on Track by Developing New Exportable Products


Putting the Industrial Sector Back on Track by Developing New Exportable Products


Reform of the Electoral Law for the 1996 Parliamentary Elections


The Arab World and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities


The Arab World and the Prospects of a Regional Settlement


The Challenges Facing the Judicial Sector in Lebanon


The Document of the National Accord: A Critical Review of the Taif Agreement


The Environmental Crisis in Lebanon: Challenges and Alternatives


The Lebanese Economy


The Prospects of the Judicial System in Lebanon


Think Tanks as Civil Society Catalysts in the MENA Region: Fulfilling their Potential


Towards an Environmental Policy for Lebanon


What Should Be the Role of Regional Governments in the Context of Decentralization?


Why Nations Fail? James Robinson Book Tour


Latest Activities

Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Governance

by the MENA Natural Resource Governance Hub

The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) and the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS)...

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How Are Resource-Dependent MENA Countries Coping with Low Oil Prices? Governance, Macroeconomics, and Diversification

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Since 2014, oil prices have declined to their lowest level in twelve years. In parallel, recent trends, including shifts in...

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Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Governance

by the MENA Natural Resource Governance Hub

The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) and the Lebanese Center...

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