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LCPS is grateful for the major funding received from various international organizations within the context of partnerships in the development of local and regional programs and projects, and research initiatives.

1. International agencies and organizations such as:

AMIDEAST-Lebanon The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
The Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) The Freidrich Ebert Foundation The International Center for Economic Growth (ICEG)
The International Development Research Center (IDRC) The International Foundation for Electoral Systems The Kettering Foundation
The Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) The Middle-East Partnership Initiative- Tunis The National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
The National Democratic Institute The Near East Foundation The Netherland Organization for International Development (NOVIB)
The Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI)- USAID The Open Society Foundations (OSF) The Rockefeller Foundation
Transparency International Search for Common Ground

2. European Union Institutions

3. United Nations agencies

4. The World Bank


Over the years, generous donations from Lebanese philanthropists, businesses and institutions have helped LCPS fulfill its mandate and widen its scope of research.

We would like to thank our 2012 fundraising dinner sponsors:

Platinum sponsor

Gold sponsor

We are always looking for motivated potential supporters that are interested in influencing policymaking at all levels, are eager to engage civil society, and want to contribute to a better political, economic, and social future.

For more information on the different ways you can support LCPS, please contact us:
Email: info@lcps-lebanon.org
Tel: +961 1 799301

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