تأثير الأزمات المتعاقبة على روّاد الأعمال بحكم الضرورة في المناطق الريفية في لبنان - حيداب
The Impact of Multiple Crises on Necessity-Driven Entrepreneurs in Lebanon’s Rural Areas - Hidab
معالجة أزمة الكهرباء في لبنان: دروس من اليمن
توسيع صلاحيات حكومات تصريف الأعمال في مواجهة الأزمات؟
Tackling Lebanon’s Electricity Crisis: Lessons from Yemen
Expanding the Prerogatives of Caretaker Governments in Times of Crisis
الخصخصة في زمن الأزمة: استعراض الخيارات الممكنة لقطاع الاتصالات في لبنان
Privatization in times of crisis: Exploring options for Lebanon’s telecom sector
Number 11 Dec 2012- Jan 2013 Number 10 Oct-Nov 2012 Number 09 Aug-Sept 2012
Useful links
Associations incubated by LCPS Government agencies International agencies and organizations
A Study of the Needs and Opportunities for Skilled Workers in Lebanon
A Market Study Evaluating the Competitiveness of the Lebanese Textile
Algeria’s Manufacturing Sector: Few Avenues to Diversification
An agenda for National Dialogue 1996-2000
An Assessment of Election Irregularities during the 2018 Parliamentary Elections
Arab Country Product Space Report Introduction and Methodology
Arab Uprisings and the Challenges of Change
Associational Life and Public Space in Beirut: Dialectics of Unity and Diversity
Civil Society in Beirut: A Working Report
Consolidating the Values of Integrity and Transparency in the Civil Service through Legislation
Constitutional Reform: Aspiring for Co-existence, Equality and Effective Governance
Development Priotities 1999
Discourse as an Electoral Campaigning Tool: Exploiting the Emotions of Voters
Egypt’s Manufacturing Sector: Seizing on an Advantageous Product Space Position
Entering a Grey Area: Lebanon's Economic Challenges in the Arab Spring
Fighting Against the Odds: Emerging Political Actors in the 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections
How Lebanese Elites Coopt Protest Discourse: A Social Media Analysis
Institutional and Fiscal Review of the Municipal Sector in Lebanon
Iraq’s Manufacturing Sector: A Challenging Path to More Products
Jordan’s Manufacturing Sector: Edging into More Complex Products
Kuwait’s Manufacturing Sector: Targeting New Industries
Lebanon and Europe: Forging New Partnerships
Lebanon and the Middle East Peace Process
Lebanon’s Manufacturing Sector: Inaction and Untapped Potential
Leveraging Knowledge and Participation For Sustainable and Balanced Development: A Vision for Lebanon in the Next Decade
Libya’s Manufacturing Sector: Placing Strategic Bets to Become Competitive
Linking Economic Growth and Social Development (LEGSD)
Mapping Values in Lebanon
MDF3 - Voices for Change Partners for Prosperity
MDF4-Progress for All Visions for the Future
MDF5-Garantir le succes des reformes dans la region du moyen-orient et de l'afrique du nord
Participation and Development -Preparation for MDF3
Postwar Institutional Development in Lebanon: an Assessment for Foreign Assistance
Report of Meetings over Air Pollution in Lebanon: The Economic and Social Impact, and the Review and Amendment of Laws Concerning Air Quality
Report on the Needs for Housing and Urban Management Training Assistance in the South and the Shouf
Saudi Arabia’s Manufacturing Sector: Looking Beyond Petroleum
Situation Analysis of Women and Children in Lebanon
Strategic Options for the Agriculture and the Agri-Food Industry in a Dynamic Global Environment
Survey of Lebanese Companies to Assess the Impact of the Proposed EU-Lebanese Partnership Agreement, 1996.
Syria’s Manufacturing Sector: Pre-War Industrial Potential
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? Bekaa 1 Electoral District: Zahle
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? South 1 Electoral District: Saida and Jezzine
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? South 2 Electoral District: Sour and Zahrani
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? South 3 Electoral District: Bint Jbeil, Marjayoun-Hasbaya, and Nabatiyeh
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? Beirut 1 Electoral District
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? Beirut 2 Electoral District
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? Mount Lebanon 1 Electoral District: Keserwan and Jbeil
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? Mount Lebanon 2 Electoral District: Metn
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? Mount Lebanon 3 Electoral District: Baabda
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? Mount Lebanon 4 Electoral District: Aley and Chouf
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? North 1 Electoral District: Akkar
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? North 2 Electoral District: Tripoli, Minnieh, and Dannieh
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: What Do the Numbers Say? North 3 Electoral District: Batroun, Bcharre, Koura, and Zgharta
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections:What Do the Numbers Say? Bekaa 2 Electoral District: West Bekaa-Rachaya
The 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary Elections:What Do the Numbers Say? Bekaa 3 Electoral District: Baalbek-Hermel
The Assessment of Control Agencies in Fighting Corruption in Public Administration
The Distribution of Corruption in the Various Agencies in the Public Administration
The Hotel and Restaurant Industries in Lebanon
The Issue of the Health System in Lebanon
The Mobilization of Civil Society, the Increase of Consciousness and Awareness to Fight Corruption
The Repercussions of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Lebanon: The Challenges of Providing Services and Creating Jobs
The Report of the Lebanese Organization for Democratic Elections about the 1996 Parliamentary Elections
The Role of Regional Administrations in the Context of Decentralization
Towards a Social and Human Sciences Strategy for the Arab States Region
Transparency and Accountability in the Provision of Public Services
Tunisia’s Manufacturing Sector: Machinery, Electronics, and Chemical Sector Potential
UAE’s Manufacturing Sector: Small Industry, Significant Potential
Understanding Turnout in the Lebanese Elections
Vocational and Technical Training
Women's Participation in Public Life in Lebanon
Women’s Participation and Representation in Lebanese Politics: Electoral Performance, Challenges, and the Road Ahead
Yemen’s Manufacturing Sector: Few Opportunities for Expansion