About Administrative Decentralization in Lebanon As part of LCPS’s mission to disseminate policy research findings to decision makers, experts, and the wider public, this booklet presents facts and figures about the oil and gas sector...
Administrative Decentralization in Lebanon A book providing an analysis of the condition of decentralized administration and local government in Lebanon, and recommendations for reform.
Challenges of Decentralization and Local Governments in the Arab World A book aggregating a collection of studies on the issues of decentralization and local governance in the Arab world, scrutinizing the legal, administrative, and bureaucratic structures that hinder the process of decentralization. This book deals extensively with the...
2015| Myriam Ababsa, Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj, Sami Atallah, Ali Boubaid, Mona Harb, Aziz Iraki, Eric Verdeil, Sami Yassine Turki.
Local Governments and Public Goods: Assessing Decentralization in the Arab World Decentralization, democratization, and the role of regional and local governments in delivering services are key issues to development across the Arab world. While the tools and processes by which decentralization...
2002| Fares Abi Saab, Sami Atallah, Ziad Baroud, Mona Harb Al-Kak, Dima Sader
Municipal Development in Lebanon: A Survey Research and Critical Review A book representing the latest study of Lebanon’s municipal experience during the first three years following the 1998 postwar municipal elections. Based on a survey that covered 350 municipalities (around...
The Lebanese Municipal Elections of 1998: The Tribulations of Democracy within Local Communities .
1998| Fares Abi Saab (ed.)
The Reality of Municipalities in Lebanon: Obstacles to Local Participation and Balanced Development Examines the condition of municipalities across Lebanon by analyzing the relationship between local bodies and the central government. The book highlights key problems faced by municipalities and provides recommendations for...
2015| علي بوعبيد، سامي ياسين التركي، منى حرب، عمر عبد العزيز الحلاج، ميريم عبابسة، عزيز العراقي، سامي عطاالله، إريك فرداي.
السلطات المحلية والخدمات العامة: تقييم اللامركزية في العالم العربي لا شك في أن اللامركزية، والديمقراطية، ودور السلطات المحلية في توفير الخدمات هي قضايا رئيسية بالنسبة للتنمية في العالم العربي. وفيما تختلف الأدوات والطرق التي يتم تطبيق اللامركزية من خلالها،...
حول اللامركزية الادارية في لبنان تماشياً مع دور ومهمة المركز اللبناني للدراسات في نشر المعلومات ونتائج الأبحاث العلمية للجمهور الواسع والخبراء وأصحاب الاختصاص وإيصالها إلى صناع القرار، يعرض هذا الكتيّب لبعض الوقائع والمعلومات حول البلديات...