تأثير الأزمات المتعاقبة على روّاد الأعمال بحكم الضرورة في المناطق الريفية في لبنان - حيداب
The Impact of Multiple Crises on Necessity-Driven Entrepreneurs in Lebanon’s Rural Areas - Hidab
معالجة أزمة الكهرباء في لبنان: دروس من اليمن
توسيع صلاحيات حكومات تصريف الأعمال في مواجهة الأزمات؟
Tackling Lebanon’s Electricity Crisis: Lessons from Yemen
Expanding the Prerogatives of Caretaker Governments in Times of Crisis
الخصخصة في زمن الأزمة: استعراض الخيارات الممكنة لقطاع الاتصالات في لبنان
Privatization in times of crisis: Exploring options for Lebanon’s telecom sector
Number 11 Dec 2012- Jan 2013 Number 10 Oct-Nov 2012 Number 09 Aug-Sept 2012
Useful links
Associations incubated by LCPS Government agencies International agencies and organizations
Policy Papers
A Framework for Reducing the Lebanese Budget Deficit - The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)
A Snapshot of Parliamentary Election Results
Analysis of Platforms in Lebanon's 2018 Parliamentary Election
Budgetary Politics in Lebanon: A Memorandum for Public Discussion - The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)
Establishing a National Oil Company in Lebanon
Estimating the Size of the Levantine East Mediterranean Hydrocarbon Basin
Industrial Safety and the Work Environment in Lebanese Industry
Law and Politics of “Safe Zones” and Forced Return to Syria: Refugee Politics in Lebanon
Lebanon at an Economic Crossroad- The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)
Lebanon’s Gas Trading Options
Lebanon’s Parliamentary Election of 2018: Seats, Coalitions, and Candidate Profiles
Licensing and Upstream Petroleum Fiscal Regimes: Assessing Lebanon’s Choices
Macroeconomic implications of windfall oil and gas revenues in Lebanon
Managing Oil and Gas Revenues in Lebanon
Policy Paper on the Environment in Lebanon, 1996.
Spoils of oil? Assessing and mitigating the risks of corruption in Lebanon’s emerging offshore petroleum sector
Strengthening Environmental Governance of the Oil and Gas Sector in Lebanon
The Agriculture Sector in Lebanon: Analysis, Prospects, and Policy Recommendations to Facilitate Sectoral Development - The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)
The Distributional Impact of Taxes in Lebanon: Analysis and Policy Implications - The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)
The Economic and Social Impact of Mobile Source Pollution in Beirut
The economic cost of political instability
The Labor Market and Labor Policy in Lebanon - The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)
Towards an Industrial Strategy for Lebanon - The Lebanese Economic Tribune (LET)
Where do Lebanese Political Groups Stand on Policy Questions? An Analysis of Electoral Platforms
Youth employment in Lebanon: Skilled and jobless