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Consociationalism and Sectarianism

January 01, 1994
The Citizen and Civic Education in Lebanon (CCEL)

A project addressing the acute need in Lebanon for intensive civic education within the school system and among the general public after 16 years of war through the preparation and publication of the first post-war civic education book: The Citizen and Civic Education in Lebanon. This innovative book was written by a team of over a dozen leading educators and illustrated by a handful of the country's top young artists. Meant for students between the ages of 14 and 15 and containing chapters on diversity, tolerance, dialogue, equality, justice, democracy, the state, distribution of power, Lebanese law, voting, human rights, handicapped rights, the environment, the Arab League, and the United Nations, it has already been adopted by a number of schools in the country. The book is intended to be the first in a series which will cover each year from kindergarten through high school, and will be followed by a number of smaller civic booklets geared towards the general public on such issues as Women's Rights, How To Vote, How to Improve the Environment, and How to Improve Your Neighborhood.

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