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December 2021| نيل ماكولوتش
معالجة أزمة الكهرباء في لبنان: دروس من اليمن
يواجه نظام الكهرباء في لبنان أزمةً متجذّرة. فبالكاد توفّر حاليًا شركة كهرباء لبنان - وهي من المرافق الحكومية المتعثرة - الطاقة الكهربائية لمدة ساعتين في اليوم، حيث بات على...

December 2021| زياد بارود
توسيع صلاحيات حكومات تصريف الأعمال في مواجهة الأزمات؟
اعتدنا في السنوات الأخيرة على حكومات تصريف الأعمال التي أصبحت حالة متكرّرة وأكثر شيوعًا من أي وقت سابق. كان في الماضي، بين عامي 1989 و 2005، متوسط الفترة التي يستغرقها...

November 2021| Neil McCulloch
Tackling Lebanon’s Electricity Crisis: Lessons from Yemen
Lebanon’s electricity system is in a deep crisis. Power from Electricite du Liban (EDL)—the insolvent state-run utility—is now available for barely two hours a day, as the population has to...

October 2021| Ziyad Baroud
Expanding the Prerogatives of Caretaker Governments in Times of Crisis
Caretaker governments became much more frequent and prolonged in recent years. While the average period to form a government was six days between 1989 and 2005, it increased to 100...

August 2021| علي أحمد، منير مهملات وجمال صغير
هيئة تنظيم قطاع الكهرباء المستقلّة في لبنان: تفادي ‘فخّ الاقتصاد السياسي’
ملخّص تنفيذي من النادر أن تواجه دولة متوسطة الدخل احتمال الانقطاع التام للكهرباء كما يحصل حالياً في لبنان. لذا، ونتيجة لهذا السياق المؤلم، لا بديل عن الإصلاحات في قطاع الكهرباء....

July 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Understanding Refugees’ Intentions to Return to Syria
Even though the conflict in Syria continues to rage on, UNHCR estimates that about 250,000 Syrian refugees have already returned to their country since 2016—60,000 of them from Lebanon. Although...

July 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Interactions and Attitudes between Lebanese and Syrian Communities in Lebanese Municipalities
The presence of a large Syrian refugee population in Lebanon has had numerous impacts on the Lebanese economy and society. One main area of concern regards social cohesion between the...

July 2021| Ali Ahmad, Mounir Mahmalat, and Jamal Saghir
Lebanon’s Independent Electricity Regulator: Avoiding the ‘Political Economy Trap’
The looming prospect of a complete blackout in Lebanon is rare for a middle-income country. It is in this dire context that electricity sector reforms become indispensable. Chief among these...

June 2021| منى فواز، ومنى حرب، وكارلا الحاج
مناشدة لعودة المخططين. أنماط التحضّر الناتجة عن النزوح واستجابات المدن
ملخّص تنفيذي استوطن حوالي 1.5 مليون لاجئ سوري في لبنان منذ عام 2012. وعلى الرغم من تقديرات المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين التي تشير إلى أنّ أكثر من ثلثي...

June 2021| دانيال غاروت سانشيز
تحوّل النازحين السوريين من مجرّد عبء إلى مساهمين فاعلين في الاقتصاد المحلي في لبنان
ملخّص تنفيذي غالباً ما تشير وسائل الإعلام والخطاب العام إلى العبء الذي يفرضه اللاجئون على اقتصاد البلد المضيف. غير أن الدراسات بيّنت أن اللاجئين يجلبون معهم مجموعة من الفوائد الاقتصادية،...

June 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Bridging the Education Gap: How to Avoid a Lost Generation of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
Education is vital in providing individuals with skills and experiences that will afford them access to better and more secure work. The Lebanese government and international bodies have made efforts...

June 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
From Liability to Asset: How Syrian Refugees Can Benefit the Lebanese Economy
It is often remarked, both in the media and public discourse, that the presence of refugees is a burden on their host country’s economy. However, studies have shown that refugees...

June 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Wasted Potential: Mismatching Syrian Refugee Skills in the Lebanese Labor Market
Adult Syrian refugees in Lebanon are often portrayed as a homogeneous group of low-skilled workers. However, the reality is that Syrian refugees are much more varied in their educational levels...

May 2021| Mona Fawaz, Mona Harb, and Carla Al-Hage
Bring the Planners Back! Displacement-Triggered Patterns of Urbanization and City Responses
About 1.5 million Syrian refugees have settled in Lebanon since 2012. Although the UNHCR estimates that more than two-thirds of these refugees live in rented units within cities, it is...

May 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Where to Settle? How Syrian Refugees Choose their Place of Residence in Lebanon
Syrian refugees in Lebanon are widely portrayed as a broad, uniform group. However, results from an in-depth quantitative survey in the cities of Halba, Saida, and Zahle highlight the significant...

May 2021| Dima Mahdi
Legal Limbo: Who is a Refugee in Lebanon?
Lebanon hosts the largest number of refugees per capita in the world. With approximately 1.5 million Syrian refugees, alongside the nearly 200,000 Palestinian refugees and additional others from various nationalities,...

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