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September 01, 2006
Abaad: No. 9, September 2006

                                                                      Table of Contents

The Need for a reform vision in Lebanon
Oussama Safa

Theme: Economic Policies in Lebanon: Problems and Alternative Options
Neo-liberalism and the Human Rights Charter
Ghaleb Abou Mosleh
Flawed Growth and Imperfect Development in Lebanon
Negib Issa
Public Debt in Lebanon and Possible Solutions
George Corm
The Impact of the Monetary Crisis on the Development in Lebanon
Abd El-Halim Fadlallah
The Potential Risks of Implementing New Public Management in Lebanon
Rania Ghanem Jureidini
Towards a New Vision in Economic Public Policy in Lebanon
Albert Dagher

Feyrouz Singing Ziad’s Lyrics
Ahamd Beydoun
The Participation of  Arab Women in Politics: The Case of Lebanon and Morocco
Hoda Rizk

Book Reviews
Towards a Fourth World War (Pascal Boniface)
Marie Sukkar
American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion
Oil and Borrowed Money in the 21st. Century (Kevin Phillips)
Mahmoud Haddad

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