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June 01, 1996
Abaad: No. 5, June 1996

                                                                      Table of Contents

Editorials Face of the judiciary: towards activation of the judicial branch Paul Salem Are we a modern state? Fares Abi Saab Theme: Judicial System in Lebanon: Reality and Challenges The Evolution of the judicial system Tarek Ziadeh The Evolution of the judicial system: commentary Edmon Naim The Historical development of the foundation of the Lebanese Law Tarek Ziadeh The Judicial System and the role of the Appellate courts Sleiman Takei al-Dine Appelate Cours, its role and its postion in the judicial system: commentary Wael Kheir Personal Status Courts: reality and development Ibrahim Traboulsi Personal Status Courts: reality and development: commentary Samia al-Chaar Civic Courts and its role in the protection of rights and freedom Micheal Khattar Civic Courts and its role in the protection of rights and freedom: commentary Nada Nassar Chaoul The Independance of the judiciary Nawaf Salam The Independance of the judiciary: commentary Kameel Ziadeh The Constitutional Council and the supervision of the constitutionality of laws Antoine Kheir The Constitutional Council and the supervision of the constitutionality of laws: commentary Boustrous Harb The Lebanese Judiciary: From Function to Authority Issam Naaman Studies The Lebanese Curriculum between Reality and Expectations Mohamed Abd al-Hadi The Status of the Lebanese Women in Power and Decision-Making Fahmiah Sharaf al-Dine and Fadia Kiwan Poverty in Lebanon Antoine Haddad Islamic Radicalim and Civil Society in the Middle-East Nazih al-Ayoubi Opinion A Theory of Arab Education: Reality and Expectaions Ali Daher Report Facts about Palestinian Camps in Lebanon Interview Politics and Culture in the Arab World (Abd al- Rahman Munif) Marlen Deck Book Reviews Samir Amine, Mondialization and Accumulation Sana'a Abou Chaqra Ahmad Shaaban, Israeli Military Strategy Khaled al - Fishawi Document U.N. Report on the Qana Bombing Cartoons

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