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May 01, 1994
Abaad: No. 1, May 1994

Table of Contents Editorials Abaad and Current Challenges Paul Salem Where shall we begin? Fares Abi Saab Theme - The Fifieth anniversary of Lebanon's independence How "National" is independence Ghassan Salame How is Lebanon to be independent? Antoine N. Messarra Lebanon's sects and the difficult road to a unifying identity Ahmad Baydoun Notes on Lebanese nationalism Paul Salem The Phases of Lebanese ideology Fares Sassine The Crisis of democracy in Lebanon Ghassan Tueni Deconfessionalizing the call for deconfessionalization Nawaf A. Salam The Limits of civil society in Lebanon Fadia Kiwan Lebanon's political elites Farid el-Khazen Lebanon's Islamists: cumbersome inheritors of a weighty legacy Dalal al-Bizri Lebanon after the "death" of loyalty and opposition Jahad al-Zayn Development policy in Lebanon between past and future Boutros Labaki Studies The Middle eastern and Palestinian problems after the "Gaza-Jericho First" agreement. Samir Amin The Arab-Israeli strategic balance of power: an introduction Mahmoud Azmi The Organization of African Unity between the Cold War and regional and international changes Adnan al-Sayyed Hussein Book Reviews Alan Dieckhoff, The Invention of a Nation: Israel and Political Modernity. Ghassan al-Izzi Halim Barakat, The Arab World Society, Culture and State. Adnan al-Sayyed Hussein Documents Chronology Bibliography Cartoons

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