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June 18, 2021
World Refugee Day

On #WorldRefugeeDay, we stand in solidarity with refugees living in Lebanon and around the world. The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS) is dedicated to producing research that highlights the rights of refugees and helps find pathways out of the systemic struggles they endure.
To access a curated collection of LCPS's recent publications on refugee issues, follow the links below: 

Policy Briefs
June 2021| منى فواز، ومنى حرب، وكارلا الحاج
مناشدة لعودة المخططين. أنماط التحضّر الناتجة عن النزوح واستجابات المدن
June 2021| دانيال غاروت سانشيز
تحوّل النازحين السوريين من مجرّد عبء إلى مساهمين فاعلين في الاقتصاد المحلي في لبنان
June 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Bridging the Education Gap: How to Avoid a Lost Generation of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
June 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
From Liability to Asset: How Syrian Refugees Can Benefit the Lebanese Economy
June 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Wasted Potential: Mismatching Syrian Refugee Skills in the Lebanese Labor Market
May 2021| Daniel Garrote Sánchez
Where to Settle? How Syrian Refugees Choose their Place of Residence in Lebanon
May 2021| Dima Mahdi
Legal Limbo: Who is a Refugee in Lebanon?
June 2020| Dima Mahdi
Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region: The Lebanese Government’s Redundant Commitments and Slow Progress
February 2018| Dima Mahdi
Understanding Refugee Politics in Lebanon and Calls for Repatriation
May 2017
Making Aid to Jordan and Lebanon Work
July 2014| Sami Atallah, Raneem Baassiri and Jana Harb
Municipal finance must be reformed to address Lebanon’s socio-economic crisis
نورا ستيل وانكيه فان دير ميجدين | October 2018
عمليات إخلاء اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان وتهديد الإعادة القسريّة
Nora Stel and Anke van der Meijden | October 2018
Lebanon’s Eviction of Syrian Refugees and the Threat of de facto Refoulement
Mona Fawaz | March 2018
Towards a City-zenship Approach to Urban Refugees
سامي عطاالله | February 2016
هل يمكن للبلديات أن تأخذ على عاتقها أزمة اللاجئين؟
Sami Atallah | February 2016
Can Municipalities Take on the Refugee Crisis?
جسي نصار | July 2015
أزمة اللاجئين تسلّط الضوء على ضرورة معالجة أوجه القصور في عملية التخلص من النفايات في لبنان
Jessy Nassar | July 2015
Refugee Crisis Highlights Need to Address Lebanon’s Waste Disposal Deficiencies
Policy Papers
January 2018| Sami Atallah and Dima Mahdi
Law and Politics of “Safe Zones” and Forced Return to Syria: Refugee Politics in Lebanon
January 2016
The Repercussions of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Lebanon: The Challenges of Providing Services and Creating Jobs
August 2011
Arab Uprisings and the Challenges of Change
August 2011
Entering a Grey Area: Lebanon's Economic Challenges in the Arab Spring
March 2018
For Syrians in Lebanon, No Formal Plan for Return
April 2017
Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: An Emergency for European Countries too
June 2016
Offering Insight: Experts’ Discussions on the Syrian Refugee Crisis
June 2016
An Informed Perspective on the Syrian Refugees Crisis
May 2016
Supporting Municipalities in Responding to the Refugees Crisis
May 2016
دعم البلديات في مواجهة أزمة اللاجئين
April 2016
Tackling the Refugee Crisis at the Local Level: Building Capacity and Strengthening Dialogue
January 2016
The Repercussions of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Lebanon: The Challenges of Providing Services and Creating Jobs
July 2013
The Government Must Improve the Access to Education for Syrian Refugees
June 2013
The Challenges of Managing the Influx of Syrian Refugees
May 2013
The Regional Implications of the Syrian Conflict: Challenges to the State Order in the Levant?

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